Student Performance Results: Demographic Report

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The Florida End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments measure student achievement of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS), as outlined in their course descriptions. Algebra 1 was first administered in 2010-11, Biology 1 and Geometry were first administered in 2012-13, U.S. History was first administered in 2013-14, and Civics was first administered in 2013-14. In 2014-15, new EOC assessments were administered in Algebra 1 and Geometry to measure the Florida Standards; results for those assessments are not reported in this database, and results for Biology 1, U.S History, and Civics are no longer reported in this database. Results for all EOC assessments currently administered in Florida public schools may now be accessed in the Florida PK-20 Education Information Portal.

When using this database, the following should be noted:

  • Results are provided by school year, not by test administration
  • Algebra 1 EOC Assessment results for the 2010-11 school year and Geometry EOC Assessment results for the 2011-12 school year have been converted to the new score scale and are being provided according to the established standards so that stakeholders and the general public are able to see what the results would have been if the established score scales and Achievement Levels had been approved and implemented at that time.
  • To provide meaningful results and to protect the privacy of individual students, data are not reported when the total number of students in a group is fewer than 10 or when all students in a group are in the same category (i.e., all in the same Achievement Level or all earning “Level 3 and Above”). An asterisk (*) appears when data are suppressed.
  • Data are only reported for state-, district-, and school-level searches if students matching the selected criteria were tested.